When your guard is afraid of dogs and doesn't carry a weapon so we buy him a bow and arrow... that's normal.
When you eat chicken for dinner after cutting off the chickens head a few hours earlier.
When you ride a taxi that can fit 15 of us in one ride and kids yell "mzugu" (white person) at you and wave like we are in some parade.
When your roommate is a cocroach... that's normal.
When you use the purple bug zapper for our dance parties and then the whole room fills with smoke because there was a big bug!
When your snack is salted crickets.
When your eyes burn in the middle of the night from misquito net chemicals.
When your clothes hang outside for days because it keeps raining.
When you get proposed to on the daily by people in the streets.
When Obama clothing is the cool thing! the belt buckle was my favorite!
When the beautiful Ugandian ladies laugh at us when we try to speak to them.
When everywhere you go someone is openly breast feeding.
When you here wings fall on the floor at night from some kind of bug.
When you wear deodarant but you don't need it because you blend in and no one cares!
When you have to be taught how to use a brick phone.
When the toilets are a hole in the ground and you have to learn how to aim.
I am LOVING It here! definitely not a vacation, but i've been here a week and already love it! It's a completely different lifestyle and these are just some things i've come to learn to enjoy! Everytime something happens that is out of the ordinary we just say "T.I.A." (this is africa)
i'm excited to continue on this adventure!
LOVE this post, girl!! hahaha You have to aim as you pee?? Oh man, That IS Africa!!hahaha